Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Phillip Hammack

Phillip Hammack

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Professor Hammack’s current research focuses on sexual and gender identity diversity in social, historical, and political contexts. He is interested in how sexual and gender identity minorities navigate stigma and form identities across the life course. In 2013, Hammack received a Scholar Award from the William T. Grant Foundation to launch the California Community Climates Project on Sexual and Gender Identity Diversity (C3). The C3 Project examines variability in identity and minority stress among teenagers who identify with any sexual or gender identity minority label (e.g., lesbian, pansexual, gay, non-binary, transgender, queer) in two distinct regions of California: one historically supportive of sexual and gender identity diversity (i.e., the San Francisco Bay Area) and one historically hostile (i.e., the Central Valley).

The Generations Project is a multi-site study funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) that uses multiple methods to examine the way in which sexual minorities of distinct generation-cohorts experience identity, stress, and health. Hammack's specific interests within this project lie in the study of narratives of sexual identity development, sexual practices and sexual cultures, intersectionality of social identities, and narratives of social change across generation-cohorts. He is interested in the way in which gay men of distinct generations have experienced shifts in health, identity, and sexual culture as the meaning of HIV/AIDS has changed over time (e.g., the emergence of PrEP for HIV prevention).

The Queer Intimacies Project examines the social and psychological experience of individuals in non-normative relationships, including same-sex, polyamorous, kink/fetish relationships, and chosen families. This project also examines the unique experiences of individuals who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, asexual, bisexual, pansexual, heteroflexible, and sexually fluid in relationships.

Among new projects in development, Hammack is interested in the study of sexual subcultures and diverse forms of masculinity in the context of the contemporary gender revolution.

Hammack continues to be broadly interested in issues of history, theory, and paradigm in psychology. In 2018, he published The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice (Oxford University Press), part of the Oxford Library of Science.

Primary Interests:

  • Gender Psychology
  • Political Psychology
  • Self and Identity
  • Sexuality, Sexual Orientation

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The Radical Authenticity Revolution


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Courses Taught:

  • Adolescence and Youth
  • Culture and Identity
  • History and Systems of Psychology
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Psychology
  • Paradigms of Culture
  • Person, Culture, Society
  • Psychology of Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict
  • Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences
  • Sexual Identity
  • Sexual Identity and the Life Course
  • Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations

Phillip Hammack
Department of Psychology
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, California 95064
United States of America

  • Phone: (831) 459-1050
  • Fax: (831) 459-3519

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